
  1. How do I apply?

Course Program of Study - CPOS

  1. If I am still enrolled in a course which is not part of my academic program, may I drop the course and receive a refund for the course?

    Yes. You may drop the course, and you will receive an adjustment on your student account to reflect the cost of the course. Please allow three (3) to five (5) days for the adjustment to appear on your account.

  2. How do I drop the course that is not part of my program?

  3. How may I avoid in the future enrolling in a course which is not in my program and ensure financial aid will cover a course?

    Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor or Success Coach prior to registration. When you enroll in future terms, the CPOS process will begin reviewing your enrollment each week during the registration period, and you will receive notice if a course falls outside your program.

  4. May I continue to complete the course that is not a part of my program?

  5. I have to retake a course in my major. Will the course still meet CPOS requirements?

  6. What if I am planning to change my major?

    If you are considering changing your major, it is important that you discuss this with your academic advisor. We want to help ensure that your courses keep you eligible for federal and state financial aid. You can connect with an advisor by emailing based on the first letter of your last name ( for A-M and for N-Z) or calling 863.297.1000.

  7. I am receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. Will this CPOS affect me?

    VA benefits fall under their own rule and will not fall under CPOS. Please contact Polk State’s Veterans Services Office by emailing or calling 863.297.1000 extension 5364 or extension 6383. You may also visit the Veterans Services Office on the Winter Haven Campus in WHC 145.

  8. I have to retake a course in my major. Will the course still meet CPOS requirement?

  9. Can I appeal to have a non-qualifying course considered for aid eligibility?

    Student Financial Services does not review appeals on an individual basis for non-qualifying courses. Please talk to an academic advisor by emailing based on the first letter of your last name ( for A-M and for N-Z) or calling 863.297.1000. Ask if the course can be added as a qualified course within your degree program.

  10. If all the courses for my major are full, can I substitute a course to ensure I qualify?

    Contact an academic advisor by emailing based on the first letter of your last name ( for A-M and for N-Z) or calling 863.297.1000. to see if a different course could be substituted for the unavailable course in your program of study.

  11. How will I know if I am meeting CPOS eligibility requirements?

    You can determine if your scheduled classes are CPOS eligible by reviewing your degree audit and meeting with an academic advisor by emailing based on the first letter of your last name ( for A-M and for N-Z) or calling 863.297.1000.

Settling Fall 2024 Account Balances